Trade your gently used clothes, shoes, accessories and home décor and get store credit to purchase new favorites or get cash on the spot. We're always looking for things in the current style, in excellent condition. We buy seasonally, so always check our website or contact our shop to find out what we're currently buying. Se habla Español.
Selling Procedures
The Clothing Exchange buys on limited days and by drop-off only. All dropped-off items will go through a 24-hour waiting period, after which a buyer will carefully consider your items. Please note that this is approximately
a 2-day process.
Important notice:
Home décor, baby equipment, and baby toys are bought by appointment only
on Friday. Please schedule in person or call to reserve your Friday time. Our buyer will carefully look over your items and make an offer on items of interest at the time of your appointment. No drop-off period.
Drop Off Days
Monday thru Thursday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
• As always, you will need a valid picture ID to sell Items
• All Clothing must be freshly Laundered
• In Excellent Condition
• Current Trends and In Season
• Drop Off Limit: 2 plastic kitchen bags (13 gallon). Please no reusable bags, totes, or baskets.
• Further Guidelines will be provided at store
Pick Up Days
Monday thru Saturday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
• Your Dropped Off items will take approximately 2 to 3 days to consider.
• On your Pick-Up day, the buyer will discuss an offer of cash or trade on the selected items for purchase.
• Please note that all items not Picked Up on designated days are subject to donation unless prior arrangements have been made.
Return Policy
Please remember that returns are welcome ONLY on Regularly Priced Clothing
• Please return within 7 business days of purchase
• Double check that all apparel still has original price tags attached
• As always, kindly present original sales receipt to confirm purchase items